How To Extend The Life Of Your Diesel Generator

Diesel generators play a vital role in ensuring your business can continue to run when the power is down. For many businesses, installing a generator is a major investment that can be maximised by taking some preventive measures.

There are a range of factors that contribute to the length of a generator’s lifecycle, including:

  • Generator brand and quality
  • Generator size
  • Level of maintenance
  • Engine size
  • Installation process
  • Environment
  • Quality of fuel used

Understanding your generators maintenance requirements will help to keep it up and running. Here are some of our top tips to maintaining and extending your generators lifecycle:

Use high quality fluids

Your generator will run best with high quality coolant, oil and fuel. Avoid contaminants and build-up that interfere with a generator’s performance by choosing high-quality fluids and testing the fuel regularly to ensure it is not degrading.

Load test your generator regularly

Using specialised equipment, load testing runs your generator under an artificial load at its maximum capacity over a set period of time. This tests if it runs at the highest possible power output while maintaining safe temperature and pressure levels. Load testing also allows for ensuring all the components of your generator are fully operational and helps to identify any potential weaknesses in a controlled environment.

Have your generator maintained regularly

Regular maintenance is essential in ensuring that your get the most out of your investment and maximises the lifespan. Neglecting your generator maintenance or using unauthorised parts can lead to your generator failing or needing more serious repairs or replacements.

Keep to the manufacturer guidelines

Follow the instructions given by your generator’s manufacturer for guidance on the following:

  • Installation practices
  • Load size
  • Maintenance
  • Fuel type
  • Frequency

The manufacturer’s instructions will help you take the best possible care of your generator so it will continue functioning when needed for the longest length of time.

Prep your generator in the lead up to severe weather seasons

Changes in weather conditions can have an impact on how your generator performs, preparing your generator ahead of the summer and winter months, as well as severe weather warnings will ensure that you can rely on your generator in the event of a mains failure.

At Shanahan Power, our Asset Care Management service guarantees that you won’t get left in the dark with regular maintenance by our service engineers, and access to our 24/7/365 Breakdown Assist facility. Contact us to find out more!