Cummins Standby Generator

Cummins C275D5 Standby Generator Commissioned at Cork Service Station

New Cummins C275D5 standby generator was recently supplied and commissioned at a service station in Co Cork, where it will provide standby power in the event of a mains failure.

The Cummins C275D5 key features include:
✔️ Cummins QSL9-G5 Engine
✔️ 275kVA/220kW Standby Power
✔️ 250kVA/200kW Prime Power
✔️ Stamford UCDI274K Alternator
✔️ PowerCommand 1.2 Controller

Shanahan Power is an Authorised Dealer of Cummins Generators – contact us to find out more about the range of Cummins generators available:

📞 Dublin: ‪+353 1 522 2320
📞 Limerick: +353 69 23 003
📧 [email protected]