What Is An External Bypass Panel
An external bypass panel enables an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) system to be electrically isolated for safe UPS system maintenance or unit replacement without any disruption to the load.
Without an external bypass switch, you will need to power down the entire load, not just the UPS system. The external bypass panel uses a manual switching method to transfer the load between UPS output and the mains power supply.
Why do you need UPS system maintenance?
A UPS system is first line of defence to protect your critical load equipment. They constantly take the incoming mains power complete with spikes and surges and perfectly regulate a clean stable power output.
Preventative maintenance is vital in ensuring your UPS system’s efficacy when there is a disruption to the mains power supply.
Preventative maintenance includes:
- Check of all electrical connections
- Check of circuit breakers, fuses, cabling, and transformers
- Battery inspection for signs of damage
- Check of functionality
- Check of performance history logs
At Shanahan Power, you can opt-in for our Asset Care Management, which covers preventative maintenance, general maintenance and provides access to our 24/7/365 Breakdown Assist Facility.
Our team is on-hand to offer advice on preparing your business for power outages. Contact us to find out more!